5 Main Factors to Consider For Maintaining School Discipline
Maintaining discipline in school is an art of training students and teachers to grow up to be well adjusted members of a healthy society. From the security-guard or peon to the principal of the school, self-discipline is a key to success of school disciple. Each individual is responsible for maintain the discipline of school. Schools are provided by different school policies and administration strategies to maintain the rules and regulation the school.
Discipline is not any control from the outside; it is order from within. It is providing an environment in which positive teaching and positive learning can occur concurrently. Great teachers and school administrators adapt basic techniques to find best practices that work in their school discipline. Fedena, feKara and Gibbon are some school admin software that work for school management and maintain discipline.
Discipline of school is a system of code of conduct, behavior and punishments for regulating students and making school well organized. To get the best approach for school discipline, let’s see key factors of maintaining school discipline.
Establish Leadership:
For maintaining discipline, leaders and leadership are very important. The actions of principal and assistant principals form the basic mood of discipline of school. If they support teachers, consistently, implement the discipline plan fairly and follow through on disciplinary actions, then teachers will follow lead.
Increase the Involvement of Parents:
Parents make a great difference in students’ achievement and behavior. This is one of the main factor of maintaining discipline as a students spend more time at their home. Schools institute policies require teachers to contact parents periodically through the year. Parental involvement have a measurable effect on student behaviors, many of the successful schools use this approach.
Your Rules Reflect School’s Goals:
It is the responsibility of the school admin and rules and law makers to design rules that reflect their school goal. Too much leniency in discipline cause misbehaving and too much strictness in school cause frustration. Always design those rules which keep the school a safe and fun learning environment. Every individual of the school should know their rules and goals clearly.
Rules and Laws are for All:
Another major factor for maintain school discipline is rules should be abide by all. Either it is about teacher, lower-staff, students or principal; rules should be equal for all. For instance, attendance and time accuracy should be one for all. When the rules are followed by every individual, automatically school will maintain its discipline.
Teacher and Students Training Programs:
Well-disciplined and well-organized are two significant characteristics of a successful school. Assembly in the morning is also a small daily training program for all. They learn the discipline, rules and the learning and teaching goals in the morning. Yearly or after every six months, teacher must provide any specialized professional training of discipline. When the teacher is well-trained, he/she knows the importance of discipline in school.
Discipline of school is one of the biggest challenges faced by schools. It maintains or breaks the name of the school. The school reputation depends on the school discipline. Always remember that discipline plays a vital role in maintaining a civilized life