5 Expert Ways to Improve Service Quality At Your Hotel
Are you a hotel owner? Don’t know how to get those last few stars on the ‘Quality Scale’ or get the checkmark on the ‘Excellent box’ on your feedback form? Worry not. Here are 5 expert ways that you can improve the service quality at your hotel and provide the perfect experience to any customer that comes over for a stay.
1. Always Be Welcoming:
Ever heard of the term ‘First impression is the last impression’? Well if you haven’t you need to look into it and if you have and don’t believe in it, you seriously have to. As a hotel owner, you need to realize that every touch point since the prospective customer lays eyes on your hotel is an experience for him or her. So, ensure that your welcome to every walk-in customer at your hotel has to be grand. The underlying impression that lays seeds in the customer’s brain has a deep impact on the overall opinion of the customer about your hotel.
2. Ensure an Unforgettable Experience:
Many hoteliers focus the visual part of their hotel but tend to forget about all the information that feed to the customer’s brain through other senses. The aspect of olfactory, noise and even the physical strain on your customer is important. It is important that no pungent smells are in the air, that the entrance is not filled with noise and sonorous objects and it important that the walk from the entrance to the customers booked room is as seamless as less in duration as it possibly can be.
3. Pay Heed to the Right Temperature:
Many Hotels tend to neglect the weather changes that occur and are rarely ever up-to-date with the happening of the outside climate. Most hotels in summer tend to keep a cool sense of air using air-conditioner inside the hotel. Ensure that rooms are built to cater every weather that hits and the air-conditioning can work against in. In high summertime, even the bed linens or duvets need to of the correct sort. For winter, double duvet 4.5 tog is the best choice to warm up the cold temperature.
4. Train the Hotel Staff:
Do not tend to overlook the staff that you hire, the staff hired in your hotel is the direct representation of what sort of service and experience the hotel will be providing overall. Soft-spoken and actually caring employees in hotels do wonders for them. When the customer feels free to share his or her concerns and receives a positive answer, there is a certain empowering feeling that the customer gets that no other variable can give.
5. Make Sure to Stock Up Supplies:
Always ensure all supplies are available at the ready for any type of customer. Keep in check with the usual wants of your customer and ensure that you have a ready stock of all that might be requested by your customers. Customers at hotels are usually travellers of some sort and there is nothing better than not having to leave the hotel in search for a small item of requirement in a city that is unknown to you and getting your requirement fulfilled right at the hotel.