5 Best Types of Healthy Spices to help you in Weight Loss
We all know that in the kitchen, we use spices to add color and flavor to the food. Apart from aroma, taste, and color, research shows that seasoning has way more health benefits than people realize. You didn’t know that the spices you are putting in your food play a central role in weight loss. Herbs and spices have therapeutic properties that boost up the metabolism that helps you in shedding pounds.
In bakeries, you will find lots of eatery items placed in heated food display that contain the spices which help in losing weight. The best part of seasoning spices is that they not only aid in weight loss but also make the dish tastier. Now your healthy food does not have to be boring anymore. Here are the five best spices to help you lose weight.
1. Turmeric:
The spice is known for its role in turning your favorite curries yellow, but according to a recent study, turmeric can help your body burn fat. Turmeric has a vibrant color and many nutritional properties. The reason behind its health benefits is that it contains curcumin. Curcumin has proven to play a vital role in weight loss. If you want to lose weight, your daily intake of turmeric should be ½ to 1 teaspoon. You can add turmeric in your immune booster turmeric tea or sprinkle it on curry dishes.
2. Cayenne Pepper:
Ever noticed the way you sweat after eating a food containing cayenne pepper? The capsaicin in the cayenne pepper raises the body temperature that boosts up your metabolism. Hence cayenne pepper helps calories burn fast. Capsaicin also reduces hunger and cravings and promotes weight loss. You should add ¼ teaspoon of cayenne pepper to your diet for a healthy loss.
3. Cinnamon:
This beneficial aromatic spice comes from the inner bark of trees. Cinnamon is a great spice to try for weight loss. It is an excellent spice to boost your metabolism, aid digestion, and lower blood sugar level. It stabilizes the blood sugar level that significantly reduces hunger, which leads to weight loss. A little sprinkle of cinnamon is enough for weight loss. You can sprinkle it on oatmeal, tea, coffee, or smoothies.
4. Ginger:
Ginger is another super spice that you should not ignore for weight loss. Ginger is a tropical plant and has been used in Asian cultures for thousands of years to treat diseases like inflammation, diarrhea, and nausea. But according to researchers, another great benefit of ginger is the presence of antioxidants. The antioxidants in ginger temporarily boost your metabolism and burn calories fast. Study shows that three to four grams of ginger are safe to consume daily.
5. Fenugreek:
Fenugreek is technically an herb but is also known as a spice. In the past, fenugreek helped treat a couple of health problems. But when it comes to weight loss, fenugreek is underappreciated. Fenugreek controls appetite and promotes weight loss. You can add fenugreek to your tomato sauce or roasted chicken.